Wednesday, May 9, 2007

More pics from the South

Here is Kayce and Abby at Lake Columbia, MS
This is Davis just havin a great time at a picnic in Mobile, AL
Here is Abby having a great time playin with her cousins.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Trip to the South

Here is Davis and Bobby (or Poppy as Abby calles him)

Abby after running thurough the sprinklers

Poppy took Abby for a ride on the lawn mower

Here is Abby and cousin Kristen

There are so many great memories that we made while in the South visiting family. There are lots more photos to come so stay tuned.

For Every Blog, there must be a begining

Yes, It is true. We have jumped on the band wagon for a family blog. Here you will be able to stay up to date on the latest that is happening with the Rasmussen Fam Damily (Damn Family) I have included for your viewing pleasure a recent photo of our family in our trip to the South. Now

you can all see the latest Davis clan. More pictures of our trip to follow.